"For such as these"

While fixing dinner this evening I caught sight of a wandering Nolan. Wandering boys are not usually good, so I picked up the sheet of paper with his memory verses on it and began prompting him with references.

Eager for an activity he gave me his full attention, but I continued to bustle about the kitchen, as I listened to him recite.

About half way down the sheet of 8 verses he broke down in tears, frustrated that he could not think of the word, and irritated because of all the commotion around him that was causing distractions. I turned away from the stove and looked at him, repeating the first half of John 3:16 in hopes that he would recover. He refused to try.

"I just can't think! My mind... it's..." He grabbed his head, while streams of tears poured down his little face.

Finally understanding what the trouble was, I took him into another room, and we sat on chairs facing each other. I had his full attention- and he had mine. We started from the beginning, fresh thoughts and no distractions.

I was amazed at how quickly he now recited the verses, and how much happier he was executing his task. I realize then something about his personality. What I had first been frustrated with, I was now pleased to recognize. Blessed with a brilliant mind, Nolan easily learns any new task; but his sensitive personality, and disposition made him overly-conscious of the noise and bustle about him.

He has a humorous side as well, and as we were working on Matthew 19:14 (Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.) He paused near the end, pondering the last phrase. He looked at me and grinned mischievously, "..for the kingdom of heaven belongs to a sucker like me."

I could not help but laugh. And the best part: at 7, he already understands the first point of Calvinism pretty well. :)