America the Beautiful- A poem by Judge Roy Moore

America the beautiful,
Or so you used to be.
Land of the Pilgrims' pride:
I'm glad they'll never see.

Babies piled in dumpsters,
Abortion on demand
Oh, sweet land of liberty;
Your House is on the sand.

Our children wander aimlessly
Poisoned by cocaine
Choosing to indulge their lusts,
When God has said, "Abstain."

From sea to shining sea,
Our Nation turns away
From the teaching of God's Love
And the need to always pray.

We've kept God in our Temples,
How callous we have grown,
When earth is but His footstoll
And Heaven is His throne.

We've voted in a government
That's rotting at the core,
Appointing godless judges;
Who throw reason out the door.

Too soft to place a killer
In a well deserved tomb.
But brave enough to kill a baby
Before he leaves the womb.

You think that God's not angry,
That our land's a moral slum?
How much longer will He wait
Before His judgment comes?

How are we to face our God,
From Whom we cannot hide?
What then is left for us to do,
but stem this evil tide.

If we who are His children,
Will humbly turn and pray;
Seek His holy face;
And mend our evil way:

Then God will hear from Heaven;
And forgive us of our sins.
He'll heal our sickly land,
And those who live within.

But, America the Beautiful
If you don't- then you will see,
A sad, but holy God
Withdrawl His hand from thee.
~~Judge Roy Moore~~

This poem was written by the Alabama judge who refused to allow the 10 Commandments to leave his courthouse. It speaks truth. The first several stanzas pierced my heart. But as he comes to the last two stanza he misses a great tragedy that has become truth in America.

Does it not strike significance to Americans that since Roe v. Wade we have preformed nearly 50 million legal abortions? Illicit drug statistics are dismal as well. In 2002, 80% of the new heroin users were under the age of 26, with at least a million addicts at this present day. Marijuana, the most widely consumed, and most popular teen-drug, is consumed by an estimated 1 in 10 teenagers from the ages of 12 and 17. And on top of those alarming statistics we live in a culture razed by the porn industry. A culture with criminals feasting in luxury, and indolent men rewarded for their laziness; where family time is spent sucking in the shallow media-driven entertainment our televisions, computers, iPods, iPhones, and Blackberrys offer. Marriage is rapidly losing it's traditional definition, and the homosexual agenda is gaining more and more power as righteous men hide themselves.

Is this not God's judgment on America?

The prayer should not be for God to keep his hand with America, for it has been withdrawn (in a sense that he has given us over to our flesh) for many years now. Our prayer, as Americans, is that God would make Himself known among us again, and as we sing in America the Beautiful, "God shed Thy grace on thee... and mend thine every flaw." Perhaps then, with His great mercy, God will "...thy gold refine, till all success be nobleness, and every gain divine!"

There was a time in American history, not all that long ago, where Americans flocked into churches to hear a fiery Calvinist preach the Doctrine of Hell. When told that there was nothing separating their sinful beings from eternal damnation, they sobbed and cried aloud. They trembled at the thought of an angry God placing his hand of judgment upon them; and in reverential fear they bowed before their Maker.

The 2nd Great Awakening made history, and Jonathan Edwards and his contemporaries should not soon be forgotten; but let us not consider for a moment that it was the work of men that caused such a great revival of truth in this nation. Only God could work such a supernatural phenomenon, and it is God we should turn to for the next.

With such a bleak outlook upon the United States, let it not be forgotten that even among the immorality and injustice, America is still the wealthiest, most prosperous nation in the world. We are the only nation that still has the Constitution it was founded with, and whose money still reads, In God We Trust. Our memorials speak God's name, and our founders were not slack in acknowledging the Creator as the Divine Institutor of government. Because of faithful men and women, the State of California chose victory for marriage in the 2008 election, with numerous other States affirming the sanctity of human life. We still have the right to keep our property; own guns; speak, write, and assembly as we please; and worship as our conscience dictates.

These are victories. Praise God for them. While we are only ever one generation away from losing our freedom, we, as a nation, are still richly blessed. We should be moved to reverential fear.

(abortion stats:
Heroin and Marijuana stats:


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Ashlee! I loved what you wrote after the poem. There seems to be not much thought for the future in our culture...I mean, the future of eternity.
I've read the poem before, and I'm thankful that we still have a few political leaders who will sacrifice their wealth and earthly "glory" (so to speak) to Honor God and his commandments.
Thanks again!
~Rachel (Clarke)

Anonymous said...

Where is there such a church now a days that preaches of God's wrath against unrepentant sinners? Propitiation is at the heart of the gospel but virtually never spoken of!
Even as Christians we do not take sin seriously so today fornication is no big deal or is abortion and in our children's lifetime the next sin downgrade will be with homosexuality as an accepted lifestyle even in the church.
We do mirror the culture but are a few years behind. God forgive us and for Your Name's sake bring us back from our rebellion.