Why I haven't written

I get stuck. I can't complete my thoughts. I can't get myself to satisfactory answers. I don't know if it's because my mind is racing too fast with too much right now, or if it is one of the ebbs of life that I need to persevere through, or very likely both.

If I posted all the half-written thoughts I have started with good intentions of publishing, readers would be very amused indeed, but I don't even feel satisfied with those half-written thoughts.

I've been reading through Proverbs in a quest for wisdom, because I was suddenly struck one day with the thought of how much one needs wisdom to live life, and how very little I pursue it. Rather than gaining any wisdom though, I feel I've only learned how very unwise I am.

Circumstances in life have also brought me to my wit's end as to the right course to take. I've learned lately that there are some things that just simply are not black and white, and God actually made them that way on purpose, to teach us to trust Him.

Inadequacy overwhelms me too, at times. My own inability to complete things as I desire to, my own inability to do things as I know I should. My own inability to even know what to do.

And in short, how could I ever blog to encourage others when every day I'm clinging to the Word and God's promises to encourage myself just to keep moving forward.

O, I am not depressed. I am not down-trodden. I am blessed, and I thankful. And humbled.

So, when the Lord gives me thoughts to share again, I promise I'll be back. But until then, I'm getting lost in the Lord.