I get stuck. I can't complete my thoughts. I can't get myself to satisfactory answers. I don't know if it's because my mind is racing too fast with too much right now, or if it is one of the ebbs of life that I need to persevere through, or very likely both.
If I posted all the half-written thoughts I have started with good intentions of publishing, readers would be very amused indeed, but I don't even feel satisfied with those half-written thoughts.
I've been reading through Proverbs in a quest for wisdom, because I was suddenly struck one day with the thought of how much one needs wisdom to live life, and how very little I pursue it. Rather than gaining any wisdom though, I feel I've only learned how very unwise I am.
Circumstances in life have also brought me to my wit's end as to the right course to take. I've learned lately that there are some things that just simply are not black and white, and God actually made them that way on purpose, to teach us to trust Him.
Inadequacy overwhelms me too, at times. My own inability to complete things as I desire to, my own inability to do things as I know I should. My own inability to even know what to do.
And in short, how could I ever blog to encourage others when every day I'm clinging to the Word and God's promises to encourage myself just to keep moving forward.
O, I am not depressed. I am not down-trodden. I am blessed, and I thankful. And humbled.
So, when the Lord gives me thoughts to share again, I promise I'll be back. But until then, I'm getting lost in the Lord.
Why I haven't written
Saturday, April 24, 2010 | | 0 Comments
I have sorely neglected this blog, of late, but I certainly have excuses.
Christmas time has come and gone, and my last Christmas at home was the sweetest I will remember of my childhood.
My sister got married! View some pictures at your leisure here or here.
My wedding planning has officially begun. Did anyone know that the hardest thing to find in northeast Ohio would be a horse-drawn-carriage?
I have been trying to be diligent in pursuing as many titles off of my 101 Books to Read. For your interest or not, here they are. :)
Thursday, January 21, 2010 | | 0 Comments
When People are Big and God is Small
I'm always humbly reminded I serve a sovereign God when things like this happen.
I was pondering over thoughts from Ed Welch's book When People are Big and God is Small, today. My fiance and I read this book at the beginning of this year, and were both thoroughly enriched by the biblical truths within its pages. It provided some convicting and lightening conversations. We learned more about our own sinful hearts, and about each other.Today, however, the extent of my thoughts would not go very far, as I seemed to get stuck somewhere in the process of sorting out the mess my head created of itself today, but I knew I was not loving God rightly, and I had a hint of a feeling that it was because I was loving people incorrectly.
I became rather frustrated with my own inability to sort out what I was thinking and feeling, so I turned to my iTunes library for some sermons resources. Sadly, it's very small, and none of the Keller sermons were what I was looking for, as great as they may have been. Normally, my next option would have been to find something online, usually at http://www.marshillchurch.org. But I wasn't looking for some urban, contextualized hype about how wretched the immorality in America is (as much as I love listening to Driscoll yell at his Seattle congregation). So, rather randomly, I went to my church's website-- something I've only done about twice (what I mean to say is I don't know why I went there) and came across this sermon. The title of it, Welch's own book title. God is good. Since Rev. Walicord expresses truthfully what I was trying to sort out in my thoughts and heart, I'll leave the rest of this post blank. Listening to this sermon would be 32 minutes well spent.
Monday, December 21, 2009 | | 2 Comments
Redeemed for a Purpose
With heart, and soul, and mind
Exalt redeeming love.
Leave worldly cares behind,
and set your minds above.
Lift up your ravished eyes
And view the glory given.
All lower things despise
Ye citizens of heaven.
Alive to that to come.
Our life in Christ is his,
Who soon shall call us home.
Dearly we're bought,
Highly esteemed
Redeemed with Jesus' blood
Highly esteemed.
Redeemed with Jesus' blood
Monday, December 21, 2009 | | 0 Comments